The Dialogue: A Journey To Universal Truth
Product detailed description
The Dialogue is a fusion of fiction and nonfiction, presented in a style, not unlike Galileo’s famous book by the same title, published in 1632. It draws on the author’s life experiences and on the intersection of Eastern Wisdom with the principles of quantum physics. “My goal is to provide an entertaining framework in which to share answers to life’s most challenging questions— Who am I? Why am I here? What’s truly important in this world? What’s my purpose and how can I find it? What is consciousness and where does it come from? Why does the universe exist?”
The story is told through the eyes of Peter, an unusual bright 16-year old boy, interested in finding the answers. They unfold during a fictional journey reminiscent of The Little Prince. Peter often hikes the forest near his home to contemplate these questions. During a summer trek, he’s drawn to a steep, overgrown path he’s never taken before. At the mountain top, he meets Boda, a mystical elderly man who, unbeknownst to Peter, is an Avatar from ancient Mesopotamia. Over the next three months, Peter develops a close relationship with Boda, who teaches him things he thought were impossible. Maybe, they’re miracles. But Boda assures him there’s no such thing as a miracle, only your inability to explain certain phenomena with current knowledge. By summer’s end, Peter finds answers to many of life’s biggest questions. He has a better understanding and appreciation for life, and for the cosmos. He finds clarity about his future and what he will do with his life.Peter discovers what he loves to do can, in fact, lead to great things for others, for him—and for the world.
Dr. James A. Cusumano is an inspirational speaker, entertainer, scientist, filmmaker and successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur in the clean energy and pharmaceutical industries. He is the author of numerous professional and business publications, as well as six fiction and non-fiction titles. He addresses topics such as inspirational leadership, the meaning of life, and the nature of consciousness, and explores the connections between Eastern wisdom and quantum physics.